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Happy New Year! I hope 2024 is off to a good start for you and your loved ones. It looks like we're in for a long, cold winter, and that means plenty of time to cozy up with a good book! I'm putting ideas together for my next release, PATIENCE IN THE PLAGUE, which should arrive at the end of the year. I will post updates as they are available.
If you are on Instagram, please follow me! I promise I will follow back!
*****RELEASE DAY!!!*****
After nearly four years, FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS is now available on Amazon Kindle and in paperback! I am so excited to be able to bring this tragic and triumphant story to you, and I am thankful for your patience. Here is the blurb from the back cover:
Faith Shelton is eager to embrace the future of the American Industrial Age. Together with her loving husband, she leaves the smog-choked streets of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for the blossoming mountain city of Johnstown, nestled peacefully along the Conemaugh River. A beautiful new house, a vibrant social scene, and a growing family gives Faith the stability she craves, though she easily forgets the true source of her blessings.
But then the rain begins to fall.
Disaster strikes the tranquil city of Johnstown, and everything she knows and loves is swept away.
This week only is the special new release price of only $0.99 for Amazon Kindle (reg. price $2.99) and $9.99 for paperback (reg. price $12.99)!
But wait, there's more! All other Michael Winstell titles are FREE on Amazon Kindle this week! That means you can get six full-length novels for only $0.99! Don't wait - click here to grab your copies today!
10/06/2023 FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS is available for Pre-Order on Amazon Kindle! Special pre-order price of only $0.99 (reg. price $2.99). Click here to order!
9/22/2023 Okay, this a little embarrassing. It's been TWO YEARS since I've given you any updates, and I obviously did not keep my promise to get FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS into your hands by Christmas 2021. I truly apologize, and I hope you haven't forgotten about me. But there is good news: the book is DONE! I am waiting to receive my author proof copy from Amazon, and one more read-through and then it will be released out into the wild!
This is the longest it has taken me to write a book, and it's been slow going, to tell you the truth. There were months at a time when I didn't touch the manuscript - not because I didn't like it, but I just didn't feel like writing. I was busy with work and family and projects, and the manuscript would languish in the proverbial corner, waiting for me to polish off a bit here or there.
But I realized something: I love to write. This is my sixth novel, and I have numerous books written under my other author name. I've put countless hours into this passion and it would be a waste to let that creative fire burn out. So after FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS is released, I'm diving right into another book. And it won't take me four years to finish the next one.
Stay tuned to release day deals!
8/09/2021 Wow, it's been more than a year since my last update! So much has happened in the last year, but the good news is that life has mostly returned to normal, at least where I live in North Georgia. I know that we're not out of the Covid woods yet but things are a lot better than they were this time last year.
I put FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS on the shelf for several months, but I've felt renewed creative energy in the last few weeks and I am *this* close to finishing the rough draft. The book will be in your hands by Christmas! That's a promise! In the meantime, stay healthy, stay positive, stay active, and most importantly, stay strong in the faith. We have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.
6/07/20 Sorry for the long time between updates! It's been quite an eventful year, as you well know. The bad news is that I haven't finished working on FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS yet. Between getting my real estate license, starting a new job, then this whole coronavirus mess, it's been a bit hectic. You might think that being home for months at a time would be conducive to prolific writing output, and you'd be right, except that there are three little balls of energy bouncing around from morning till night. I became their schoolteacher for the remainder of the school year as well as event coordinator, trying to find fun things to do as a family. We're getting out a little bit and enjoying nature, but I didn't realize how much I took places like Chuck E. Cheese for granted :-) Anyway, these past several months have taken their toll on my creative energy and my writing schedule isn't as vibrant as usual.
But the good news is that I'm still chugging away on FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS. Most of the manuscript is finished, and I'm hoping to have everything ready for a late summer release. Thank you for your patience, and I can't wait to share this wonderful story with you. God bless and be safe!
12/18/19 Seasons Greetings! It's been a while since I've given an update, but I haven't been slacking off in my writing, I promise! And I'm happy to announce:
FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS releases in February 2020! I was hoping to have it finished by Christmas but life got too busy, especially this time of year. Plus the story and cast of characters kept growing and I wanted to give myself enough time to do everything right, instead of rushing a half-baked story out before it's ready. It will be longer than DESTINY IN THE DUST STORMS which was 350 pages, so there will be plenty of pages for you to chew on during the cold winter months. And if you're wondering what to read until then, I have four novels and a short story just waiting for you to enjoy!
So until my next update, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
7/30/19 ***NEW RELEASE***
DESTINY IN THE DUST STORMS is now available on Amazon! The Kindle version is just $0.99 and the paperback is only $10.99!
This book is the first in my new historical fiction series My Name Will Never Fade. Look for the next book release around Christmas!
Click here to get your copy now!
3/22/19 Howdy, folks! I hope 2019 is treating you well so far.
Change of plans from the last update: I'm working on a new book *this year*! And I'm already halfway through the first draft! I thought I was going to write a book under my real name again but I just couldn't resist the call of this new story bubbling up inside of me.
So, without further ado, I give you:
12/19/18 It may seem like I've been laying low for the holidays, but I have a Christmas surprise for you: a brand-new short story and a box set!
AMY - A Short Story brings all three girls from the previous novels together for the first time! Joining the cast of a Western movie sounds like a dream come true, but Serenity, Chastity, and Charity quickly realize that the movie business is not all glitz and glamor. When trouble and confrontations threaten to derail the movie, the girls will have to rely on each other, and most importantly on God, to save the day. Available on Amazon Kindle for only $0.99!
HE CALLS ME BY NAME Books 1-3 Box Set includes all three novels and AMY as a bonus short story! Available on Amazon Kindle for only $2.99!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I'll be spending next year writing under my real name, but Michael Winstell will be back soon with more books in HE CALLS ME BY NAME. Hint: the next three books turn back the pages of history a bit.
God bless and happy trails!
9/25/18 Today is Release Day for CHARITY JOY! Books 3 of He Calls Me by Name is now live on Amazon! Grab your copy today!
7/23/18 If you look at the covers of nearly every Christian Western and romance book, you'll see a photoshopped anonymous model in front of a photoshopped stock background.
My book covers?
Real girls with real horses in a real field. Best of all, I know all of them personally! All of these girls go to my church, as does the lady whose horses we borrowed (and whose field we used), as well as the photographer who took the pictures!
7/16/18 I'm chugging along on the manuscript for CHARITY JOY! It's taking a little longer than I would like, but writing three contemporary Christian Western novels in less than a year is a bit tiring! Yet like the US Postal Service, neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night shall keep me from completing this book, mostly because I write indoors and the weather doesn't affect my writing :-) I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, and hopefully you've shared it with SERENITY JOY and CHASTITY GRACE. More heartwarming, horse-loving sweetness is coming your way soon!
6/06/18 CHASTITY GRACE is now available in paperback! Click here to grab your copy!
Writing of book 3, CHARITY JOY, has begun! Look for a September release date. And since I can't help myself, here is the beautiful front cover!
5/08/18 CHASTITY GRACE is available now on Amazon Kindle for only $0.99! Paperback is coming soon!
5/02/18 CHASTITY GRACE releases next Tuesday! Check back soon for the Amazon link!
3/22/18 CHASTITY GRACE releases on May 8th on Amazon Kindle and in paperback! Look for a pre-order link soon!
3/06/18 Here is the cover for book 2 of He Calls Me by Name, CHASTITY GRACE! Look for an early May 2018 release date!
2/6/18 SERENITY HOPE has been released a week early! Go to Amazon to get your copy on Kindle or paperback, or you can send me an email to order an autographed copy!
1/31/18 SERENITY HOPE is now available for pre-order on Amazon! Order now to get the discounted price before February 13th! You can also pre-order autographed copies directly from me by sending an email to michaelwinstellbooks [at] gmail [dot] com!
But the good news is that I'm still chugging away on FAITH IN THE FLOODWATERS. Most of the manuscript is finished, and I'm hoping to have everything ready for a late summer release. Thank you for your patience, and I can't wait to share this wonderful story with you. God bless and be safe!
12/18/19 Seasons Greetings! It's been a while since I've given an update, but I haven't been slacking off in my writing, I promise! And I'm happy to announce:

So until my next update, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
7/30/19 ***NEW RELEASE***
DESTINY IN THE DUST STORMS is now available on Amazon! The Kindle version is just $0.99 and the paperback is only $10.99!
This book is the first in my new historical fiction series My Name Will Never Fade. Look for the next book release around Christmas!
Click here to get your copy now!
3/22/19 Howdy, folks! I hope 2019 is treating you well so far.
Change of plans from the last update: I'm working on a new book *this year*! And I'm already halfway through the first draft! I thought I was going to write a book under my real name again but I just couldn't resist the call of this new story bubbling up inside of me.
So, without further ado, I give you:
My new book is the first of a four-book series entitled My Name Will Never Fade. This first book, Destiny in the Dust Storms, takes place during the Dust Bowl in Oklahoma at the time of the Great Depression. The subject matter and story is a bit more intense than the horse-loving books I wrote last year, but it's still a Michael Winstell book :-). Look for a summer release date!
12/19/18 It may seem like I've been laying low for the holidays, but I have a Christmas surprise for you: a brand-new short story and a box set!
AMY - A Short Story brings all three girls from the previous novels together for the first time! Joining the cast of a Western movie sounds like a dream come true, but Serenity, Chastity, and Charity quickly realize that the movie business is not all glitz and glamor. When trouble and confrontations threaten to derail the movie, the girls will have to rely on each other, and most importantly on God, to save the day. Available on Amazon Kindle for only $0.99!
God bless and happy trails!
9/25/18 Today is Release Day for CHARITY JOY! Books 3 of He Calls Me by Name is now live on Amazon! Grab your copy today!
7/23/18 If you look at the covers of nearly every Christian Western and romance book, you'll see a photoshopped anonymous model in front of a photoshopped stock background.
My book covers?
Real girls with real horses in a real field. Best of all, I know all of them personally! All of these girls go to my church, as does the lady whose horses we borrowed (and whose field we used), as well as the photographer who took the pictures!
These books, inside and out, are not mass-produced for quick
consumption like many stories in these genres. Heart and soul and real
emotions went into each book and the cover images reflect each book's
authenticity. If you're looking for stories that are sweet and inspiring
yet fresh and unique, you'll love the books in He Calls Me by Name.
releases in September!
Amazon Kindle and paperbacks: https://amzn.to/2NF9Jcq
Serenity Hope: Emily Gregory
Chastity Grace: Grace Anders
Charity Joy: Chloe Go
Photography: Jenny V Photography
Horses: Sailor and Tucker
Photos taken at the Wolf Ranch
Amazon Kindle and paperbacks: https://amzn.to/2NF9Jcq
Serenity Hope: Emily Gregory
Chastity Grace: Grace Anders
Charity Joy: Chloe Go
Photography: Jenny V Photography
Horses: Sailor and Tucker
Photos taken at the Wolf Ranch
7/16/18 I'm chugging along on the manuscript for CHARITY JOY! It's taking a little longer than I would like, but writing three contemporary Christian Western novels in less than a year is a bit tiring! Yet like the US Postal Service, neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night shall keep me from completing this book, mostly because I write indoors and the weather doesn't affect my writing :-) I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, and hopefully you've shared it with SERENITY JOY and CHASTITY GRACE. More heartwarming, horse-loving sweetness is coming your way soon!
6/06/18 CHASTITY GRACE is now available in paperback! Click here to grab your copy!
Writing of book 3, CHARITY JOY, has begun! Look for a September release date. And since I can't help myself, here is the beautiful front cover!
5/08/18 CHASTITY GRACE is available now on Amazon Kindle for only $0.99! Paperback is coming soon!
5/02/18 CHASTITY GRACE releases next Tuesday! Check back soon for the Amazon link!
3/22/18 CHASTITY GRACE releases on May 8th on Amazon Kindle and in paperback! Look for a pre-order link soon!
3/06/18 Here is the cover for book 2 of He Calls Me by Name, CHASTITY GRACE! Look for an early May 2018 release date!
2/6/18 SERENITY HOPE has been released a week early! Go to Amazon to get your copy on Kindle or paperback, or you can send me an email to order an autographed copy!
1/31/18 SERENITY HOPE is now available for pre-order on Amazon! Order now to get the discounted price before February 13th! You can also pre-order autographed copies directly from me by sending an email to michaelwinstellbooks [at] gmail [dot] com!
1/25/18 The official release date for SERENITY HOPE is February 13th! Preorders begin on February 3rd on this website and on Amazon! Links will be posted shortly.
1/13/2018 SERENITY HOPE is in the editor's hands now, but I'm not sitting around twiddling my thumbs. I've started writing book 2 of HE CALLS ME BY NAME - CHASTITY GRACE! And to get some inspiration, the family and I spent a little time at a local arena to watch the ladies show off their barrel racing skills. This is where Chastity Grace shines!
12/29/2017 - The first draft of SERENITY HOPE is finished! I'm really pleased with the story, but the work is not done yet. I'll be taking a couple of days off to let my creative engine refuel, and then I'll be jumping into the saddle to wrangle these edits and errors so that everything is all bright and shiny for the March release!